Next step: PGY-1 Resident at Intermountain Health Colorado-Lutheran Medical Center.
April Huan chose Ohio Northern University because it offered one of the few 0-6 direct entry pharmacy programs in the U.S. She also appreciated the program’s esteemed history and its rigorous curriculum.
Hailing from Taiwan and a large metropolis, April found that Ada, Ohio, offered a pleasant change of pace.
“I still remember the first time I visited,” she said. “I was immediately drawn in by the safe, diverse, and friendly learning atmosphere on campus.”
April became involved in numerous student pharmacy associations, including ONU’s chapter of the American Pharmacists Association. She also flexed her creative muscle by playing percussion in the concert band and taking piano lessons.
“Playing music while being a pharmacy student definitely helped me relieve lots of stress and perform better in class,” she said.
Her pharmacy studies opened her eyes to the many different career paths for pharmacists in the U.S., including pharmaceutical research. She worked in the lab alongside Dr. Manoranjan D’Souza, associate professor pharmacology, on research into the effects of nicotine-induced rewarding and antidepressant-like effects in mice that lack regulators of G-protein signaling.
“This research gave me a deeper insight into the biological and pharmacological processes, which enhanced my professional vitality and the ability to deal with changes in science and practice as a future pharmacist,” she said. “Dr. D’Souza was an incredible mentor who continuously provided me with opportunities to expand my professional portfolio and research skill set.”
April’s desire to help others is what drew her to the pharmaceutical field. Her grandfather was a hospital bed manufacturer, and he often befriended the patients who slept on the beds he made to give them comfort.
“He always reminded me that the ultimate purpose of pursuing a medical education is never about the monetary award, but to save people’s lives,” she said.
April says ONU prepared her to live her dreams. “ONU made me who I am today. I am a more confident individual academically and socially.”